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14 December 2017

Roskachestvo to study vodka quality

Submitted by: GVA

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation, Roskachestvo (the newly formed watchdog for Russian produce) will conduct a study on the quality of alcoholic beverages. This week will be a study of the quality of vodka. 

The project will allow Roskachestvo to analyze the quality of vodka on the Russian market and identify producers worthy of the ‘State Quality Mark’. 

The study is measured on 3 indicators - compliance with mandatory safety, GOSTs and increased standards of Rockiness.

Although Roskachestvo primarily focuses on Russian regions of production of national produce, this study will also include vodka produced in Belarus, Sweden, Finland and France.

In order to receive the country highest accreditation, goods are examined on 22 indicators of quality and safety. Vodka is tested for impurity content, presence of heavy metals and acetic aldehyde.

An important vector of the study will be the study of the identification signs of vodka in order to eliminate falsification: experts will find out what alcohol was used for the production of vodka, check the product for methyl alcohol content and the presence of fusel oils.

Vadim Drobiz, Head of the Center for Research, Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets expressed his concern at the quality and safety of vodka in illegal retail.

“In 2017 about a billion litres of vodka have been sold in licensed retail, which goes through strict quality control. I am absolutely sure that there will be no claims either on security or on the quality of vodka products in legal retail. But for those with less disposable income, there is an illegal retail sector - for example, shops that do not have licenses, pavilions, kiosks, hand-trade, etc., where about 250 million litres of illegal vodka are sold annually. Such products are produced in semi-domestic conditions with the use of a stolen illegal alcohol and does not meet the requirements of technical regulations on safety.”

GOST R has been developed for applicants who wish to show a ‘State Quality Mark’. The standard was developed by Roskaschestvo in conjunction with Rosalkogolregulirovanie experts, leading research institutes, industry associations and major producers. 

The results of the research will be available to consumers before the New Year.

In addition, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin has instructed Rosalkogolregulirovaniyu, MVD, Rospotrebnadzor and Roskazhestvo together with the Prosecutor General's Office to conduct unscheduled inspections of producers and sellers of alcoholic beverages.

For more information on the work of Roskazhestvo you can visit their website at -

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